My daughter and I both love to make pom-poms out of yarn. It’s a really easy and soothing craft and you can use them in lots of different ways. She’s very slowly working on a pompom rug (sort of like this one from Simplify Create Inspire, but in rainbow colors), but if you don’t have […]
Make a Yarn Pom-Pom Wreath
As a knitter, I have a lot of yarn. But I also have a lot of leftover bits of yarn from finished projects that didn’t take the whole ball, or from book projects where I didn’t need a whole ball, or just things I have but never made anything with. There are loads of ways […]
Two-Color Pom-Pom DIY
I spend a lot of time with yarn, because it’s my job. When the January DIY Challenge from Adventures in Making was announced as being yarn, I was kind of excited but also didn’t know what to do because I didn’t want to just knit something. I didn’t really want to crochet something, either, though […]