Sometimes it pays to have a really messy playroom. Recently the girl asked me to paint with her, which she doesn’t often do. She’s usually content to create by herself, which I love, but it’s fun to work alongside her as well. We each got a piece of paper and she started painting in the […]
Painting on Cardboard {Art Experiments}
For her birthday, the girl got a cool set of dinosaurs to paint. We spent the morning after her party painting them (she let me do one; isn’t that sweet?) and kept coming back to the paint through the day. She painted some on paper, but she really wanted to paint something else that wasn’t […]
Printing with Bubble Wrap {Art Experiments}
Sometimes the easiest projects are among the most fun and interesting. Using bubble wrap as a texture for printing is about as easy as it gets, but the results are always exciting. The other day the Bit wanted to work on a project using bubble wrap, so I suggested she paint the wrap and use […]