Yarn Bomb Your Bag with Knit Purse Strap Covers {Iron Craft Challenge}

yarn bomb your bag

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The idea for this week’s Iron Craft Challenge was to make something just for you. It was supposed to be, in fact, a treat, but I went with something completely practical, something that fixed a problem that’s been bothering me for a long time.

It’s my purse straps. purse straps falling apart

You see, a couple of years ago I bought this great Jordana Paige knitting bag that I use as a purse because it’s huge — I can carry a knitting project, a book, the girl’s stuff, whatever — but it still looks like a normal purse.

I use it a lot, and while the body of the bag looks great, the straps are a nightmare. I didn’t want to buy a new bag just because the straps on this one were falling apart, so I just kept carrying it, even though it annoyed me.

So I decided to do something about it. yarn bomb your bag

I know I could have made new straps, but I decided to introduce some yarn to my bag by making knit purse strap covers.

There’s not really a pattern to this, because the size and length you need will vary depending on the length of the straps of your bag.

I used cotton yarn in a bright green, but you could use any durable fiber (my original thought was a self-striping sock yarn, which I may do some other time). When it starts looking shabby, just cut it off and knit another cover. knitting purse strap

For mine, I used size 7 US knitting needles and cast on 8 stitches.

Work in Stockinette Stitch until the piece is long enough to cover the strap. Mine has a little flat part at each end, so I worked enough to make a tab to cover that part up on each side.

Bind off. Leave a long tail. Make two if you have two straps.sewing tab knit purse strap

For mine I stated by stitching up the sides of the tab on one end, then worked mattress stitch to join the sides of the cover together. cover purse straps with knitting

I kind of love this idea and can’t believe I didn’t think of it earlier. It brings new life to an otherwise good bag, uses yarn I already had and lets the world know I’m a knitter (if the project spilling out the top didn’t clue them in).

Knitters, have you ever covered something you use every day with yarn? Would you? I’d love to hear about it!

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1 Comment

  1. “Practical” can be very pampering. I know the pain of losing the straps on favorite bags (though as a non-knitter, I am doomed to suffer with it — and quite envious of your solution).

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