Getting Back to Craft

finished art

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While I was working on the book, I was only knitting (and doing some little crafty things with the girl, but nothing too planned).

Now that I’ve been done with the book for almost a month, I’m still mostly just knitting.

This tells me that I made a savvy career move and actually do like to knit, not just when someone is paying me.

But this blog has craft in the title, and I do like doing other things aside from knitting.

I’m starting to feel like it’s time to do them again.

I want to make a pot of beans, and bake a loaf of bread (today it’s going to be brownies and pepper relish, but it’s a start).pepper bowl

I want to unearth my sewing machine and take it for a spin.

I want to finally learn how to use my serger.

I want to stop pinning and start doing.

I want to practice my crochet, finish that quit top I started more than a decade ago, and all in all just feel and be more creative.

I want to be open to whimsy, to make what I want because I feel like it, not because I have a deadline or need to put up a blog post.

Exploring Color

My book was all about color knitting, so it’s kind of funny that that first non-knitting craft-like thing I did once the book was done was to paint something in the colors of the rainbow (except purple, though I’m not sure it’s finished yet).

Husband loves gin and tonics, and buys tonic by the case from Amazon. The cases are really well packed, often in a box within a box that’s padded with more thick pieces of cardboard.

All through the end of the book those cardboard pieces were calling my name.

So the other day I started to paint one. painted background

I started with red, orange and yellow, blending them into each other a bit and not cleaning my brush in between. painted circles

Then I added green circles (using a container lid I found in the playroom). finished art

Then blue dots (Q-tip).

Totally simple stuff.

But it’s pretty, and I like it.

And it’s a step in the right direction, which I sorely needed.

What have you been making? What would you like to be making? I’d love to hear about it!

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  1. i just took a week off from basket making and it is time to get back to it. what i REALLY want to be doing is trying out weaving….but alas….deadlines. i KNOW you know how this feels.

  2. I have joined a brand new quilting bee group! I started a crib quilt when we were expecting the Grand-cuteness. She’s 4 now. 🙂

    I also have a Yudu tabletop screen printer that has never been out of the box (the Hubs, who gave it to me for xmas several years ago, holds this against me periodically…) and I I’m going to learn to do crewel work. Oh, and I need to make stuff for The Little Craft Show and the ACO 5×5 show… Lordy!!

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