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A week from today, my daughter is going to her first half-day of daycare.

Starting August 1, she’ll be gone from me most of the day, from 8 until 3:15.

I should feel sadder about this than I do. And I know I will as soon as I pull away from the daycare without her in my car for the first time.

But right now, I’m thinking a lot about all the time I’m going to have to work, clean, and, yes, craft. To get ideas out of my head that have been there for the two years of her life or longer.

And to blog, of course. I have a lot of blogs, and a couple of deeply neglected blogs. This is going to change.

It starts with a name change. Our Daily Craft may not be literally daily (I’ll at least take weekends off, I reckon) but at least will be a frequently updated place to find out what I’m working on, what I’m thinking about, what I’m cooking, what I’m reading and more.

I hope the projects, information and inspiration I’ll provide will help you craft a more excellent life. Got something you’d like to see? A project you want me to try? A book you want to know my thoughts about? Let me know.

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