Crafting a Legacy

The world lost a feminist icon and a brilliant jurist with the passing of Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and just a day later the knitting world lost one of its own luminaries with the death of designer and creative genius Cat Bordhi. Both of these deaths have made me sad for different reasons. […]

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Why We Make Things and Why It Matters

why we make things and why it matters

Sometimes when I’m at the library for a specific purpose (like picking up a book for my Reading Women project) I can’t resist browsing a little bit, particularly in the nonfiction section. So it was that the book Why We Make Things and Why It Matters: The Education of a Craftsman by Peter Korn ended […]

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The Sacred Weekend

crafty weekend

Sacred is not really a word I throw around, being as I’m not religious at all. But lately it seems like more of my friends and Facebook peeps have been talking about how weekends are sacred at their house, by which they mean that it’s family time and it takes a lot to get one […]

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A Good Start on Finishing

So, it’s Finish it Up Friday, and I had big designs on this day. I had a really awful night (toddler screaming at 4 a.m. kind of awful) so I didn’t have as much energy as I might have liked, but I still got some good work accomplished. Let’s see. Technically last night I finished […]

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Finishing It Up

I used to, at the beginning of 2011, have an occasional feature on my knitting site called “Finish it up Friday.” One of my resolutions had been to either finish or frog (that’s knitter-speak for ripping out a project) as many of my on-the-needles projects as possible. It didn’t last very long, but it was […]

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