The Sacred Weekend

crafty weekend

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Sacred is not really a word I throw around, being as I’m not religious at all. But lately it seems like more of my friends and Facebook peeps have been talking about how weekends are sacred at their house, by which they mean that it’s family time and it takes a lot to get one member of the family to an activity away from the others.

(Some of them actually mean sacred in a religious way, too, celebrating the Sabbath in old-school ways, but most of them just mean it’s hard-core family time.)

We all — parents especially — feel the rush and the crush of weekdays, the feeling of just needing to get through the schedule so we can hopefully have a few minutes of quiet at the end of the day. So it makes sense that we would crave something that would connect us with those people we call our family when things slow down on the weekends.

My favorite sort of weekend day is one where we don’t leave the house at all. It starts between 6 and 7, whenever the girl wakes up. Husband makes “weekend breakfast,” usually biscuits and gravy or pancakes.

There’s iPad time, usually playing outside and upstairs all day long.

crafty weekend
Craft time usually happens on the weekends, too. And staying in pajamas all day.

It’s not too bad if we have to go to the park.

Then there’s lunch and quiet time, since the girl almost always refuses to actually nap on the weekends anymore. TV time comes after that, then more playing, supper and then maybe a little more playing or reading before the interminably long but sweet tag-team bedtime routine (with bath, pajamas, tooth brushing, reading, getting a story from dad, songs from me, a little quite time with the lights on and then lights out it can take an hour and a half).

weekend play
Weekend bouncing fun.

Then husband and I settle down on the couch for some TV and knitting (only me with the knitting) and then head to bed ourselves. I have to read before bed, and I love that quiet time.

It’s not an exciting day, but it is a perfect one. Sometimes we have friends over — the girl would love to have friends over every weekend — and that’s great, too, but I dearly love a weekend day at home.

What about you? What’s your perfect weekend day look like?

This post is part of BlogPal, hosted by Creative Life Antics/The Waste Knot. Check out my pal Lizzy and her blog Lizzy’s Luggage! I’m betting her idea of a good weekend is a little different from mine…

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