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There is a lot of stuff in my purse. It’s such a big purse, in fact, that I usually call it “my bag” instead, because “purse” just doesn’t seem to do it justice. I’m reminded of the question put to Ally Sheedy’s character in “The Breakfast Club”: “Do you always keep so much shit in your bag?”
If you’re a mom, the answer is yes. When I was with my girl all day every day I usually carried a diaper bag, but as she got older I got a bag that was big enough to stick in a diaper or two, wipes, a snack or four, a drink and all my stuff, too.
Now that I’m not around her all the time, there’s not usually a diaper and wipes in my bag, but there are usually snacks, and lots of random stuff, some kid-related, some not.
Some Stuff That’s Currently in My Bag

- a scarf
- a tape measure shaped like a sheep
- a tiny first aid kit
- a calendar for keeping mileage when I drive for business (which I never keep track of)
- one pair of kid-sized sunglasses
- a plastic ring shaped like a snowflake
- two Saf-T-Pops
- a plastic fork
- a ginormous binder clip
- three grocery lists, two grocery receipts, the receipt from the last time the Bit went to the doctor (Jan. 30) and the receipt for her big girl bed (Jan. 26)
- a jingle bell
- a foam star sticker
- three child-sized hair clippies (two of them actually match!)
- a twig
You get the idea.
What Does This Have to Do with Water Beads?
Another thing that had been in my bag for a couple of days was this

You can sort of see what it is, mostly because the water is dirty from hanging out in my purse for days, but what it is is a cup of water with clear water beads inside. It turns out that if you cover clear water beads with water, you can’t see them. It’s pretty cool to watch them “disappear” and then see kids poke around in the cup feeling something they can’t see.
This fun fact (and the cup) come courtesy of a friend’s Mad Science birthday party we went to over the weekend. They called the water beads “jelly balls” and gave each kid a cup to take home. Fun was had by all. Except maybe the birthday girl, who was a little freaked by all the weird stuff happening (and all the people) in her house.
Anyway, I had never thought to actually play with the water beads in water even though the girl has really enjoyed playing with water beads without water. Could be some wet fun times ahead!