Help Me Clean Up My Office: A Felty Book Giveaway

felting book giveaway

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I have a lot of knitting books (well, and crochet books, and sewing books, and crafting books…). I get books sent to me to review. I buy books. Heck, I even write books. It has added up over the five years I’ve written for About and the many years I’ve been crafty.

Don’t believe me?

knitting books
This is not even all of the knitting books.

Here’s my knitting bookshelf (pay no attention to the mess stacked in front of it). There are more books in the cabinet below. And on the filing cabinet next to that. And under my desk. And on my desk. And, probably, in just about every room in my house (there are, currently, no knitting books that I know of in any of the bathrooms, but that’s not always the case).

It’s a little crazy. And that’s not even to mention the three boxes (!) of knitting books in my attic that I’ve decided are not ones I need to keep.

Something has to give, and that something is me!

Want Some Books about Felting?

That book I mentioned above that I wrote, it’s about felting. So I thought it might be fun as a test to give away a few felting books and see how that goes. But I have tons of other books, so if you’re not into felting, just wait and I’m sure I’ll get to something you like soon.

felting book giveaway

So, this giveaway is for three books: Picture Yourself Felting Your Knitting (that’s mine!), Knitting Never Felt Better by Nicky Epstein and Feltique by Nikola Davidson and Brookelyn Morris. Those links are to my reviews on About; if you want to know more about my book click that link up at the top.

Now I should say that I would never give up my copy of Knitting Never Felt Better, but this excellent and super-inspiring book just came out in paperback and the publisher happened to send me another copy (which is still the hardcover version, go figure). Feltique is a good book, too, but it is not just for knitters; it actually covers a lot of other felting techniques and would be great for someone who wants to explore felting beyond knits.

Want to take these books off my hands for me? Add a comment to this post between now and the end of the day next Thursday, and I’ll use the fab random number generator to pick a winner. Tell me why you love felting, or what else you’d like to see me give away.

And please spread the word to your yarny friends! Thanks!

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  1. Oh, I would love *any* of these in my library!!! 😀 Thank you Sarah, for having a cool giveaway!

    I’d just begun creating ceramic parts that will be integrated into fiber and basket-weaving techniques to create a complete piece when I had to stop working in my studio for a time…. I’ve never felted any knitting before, but have done some felted crochet and woven pieces. I wonder what interesting ideas might spring forth…. ;-D

  2. I love your bookshelf. It looks a lot like mine, but you can never have too many books on your passion. I don’t have the books you are giving away, so I’m game.


  3. My daughter is getting into knitting, but I don’t know how. These would be wonderful for her. Thanks!

  4. I love the way felting totally changes the way a piece looks- and helps hide my mistakes! Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. I would love to help you clear out some of your books! I made my daughter a felted purse that she absolutely loves, and when you can impress your teenager, that’s a huge accomplishment!

  6. I love your bookshelf! Looks like many of ours here, overflowing but so hard to whittle down.

    I love felting, it was an inevitable step taken when I re-found my love of knitting, moved onto spinning, and all other fibre addictions! I now spin, knit, felt (from knitting, and wet and dry felting) and basic weaving. My daughter is interested in all of these, and it’s lovely being able to share these crafts together.
    Thankyou for the opportunity.

  7. I love to felt. I have felted a lot of bags but can’t seem to get it right on hats and gloves! 🙂

  8. I don’t think that the fact that I have a knitting books bookcase that looks remarkably like yours is any reason not to enter . . . always more to learn about felting! When we got a new front-loading washer upstairs, I kept my old top-loader down in the basement mostly so I could felt in it.

  9. I would love to win some of your books. I have often thought about having ago at Felting but not really sure where to start. So to own a book with that in would be great. Thanks for this chance to own your books. I hope I win!!!

  10. Felting/Knitting/Craft books? Who can ask for anything more???
    Better than the lottery – especially for an avid fan of each!
    Here’s hoping my lottery ticket will come up trumps!

  11. If you have this many books, what does your yarn stash look like? Thanks for putting these up for give away-so nice of you

  12. I also have loads of craft books, not as many as you though and now I’m feeling jealous!! What a great giveaway, thanks for the chance

  13. I don’t have any knitting book!! I would like to win one of yours, it would be great!
    Thank you for the giveaway.

  14. I have only felted by mistake when one of my knitted ended up in washing machine. I would love to get the books. Thanks for offering them. 🙂

  15. I love felting sweaters and using the resulting felt for many different items. I would love to explore the medium further and wouldn’t mind helping you empty your bookshelves if it meant I could learn more about felting. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  16. I think I’ve finally figured out how to comment…I’ve never seen the number thingy before!
    Anyway , as a bear artist and needle felter and wet felter and knitter, I’d love to win the books!

  17. I’d sure give them a great home! Thank you for the chance to help you out 😉

  18. I like felting, although I am just the beginner 🙂
    I would love to give your book a new home 🙂 and I promise to send you a picture of my craft bookshelf 😉

  19. We just sheared our sheep today, and I would LOVE to win Feltique for some fetling ideas.
    Thanks for sharing!

  20. I love felting because it just makes the cutest things!!! Plus it is durable and doesn’t fray!

  21. I love felting! Wet Felting, needle felting, nuno, knit and full, whatever! I love sharing the techniques with my friends. I particularly enjoy teaching my granddaughter how to felt. Last year she won a 1st Place and Best of Division ribbon on her wet felted bag. I love adding books to my library. I always learn new tips and techniques from every one. Thank you for the opportunity to add more to my book collection!

  22. I’ve only felted one item and loved it – I’m not sure why I haven’t done more. (maybe because I’m trying to use up the yarn I have and most isn’t wool). Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. Ooooh, I love felting 🙂 So soft & fun to make! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome books! I could use some good tips! 🙂

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