Create With a Kid (Or Like a Kid) {Creativity Boosts}

my painting

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One of my favorite things to do when I don’t feel much like creating is to make some art with the girl. Sometimes she doesn’t even want me to sit at the table while she’s doing “projects,” but sometimes she invites me to join in and sometimes I ask if I can create alongside her.

painting with kids
She showed me where she wanted her paint to be.

Recently we were painting with some glitter paint and I sort of just followed her lead when I came to what I was doing.

painting dots
My page full of painty potential.

I put little dots of each color on the paper and we used brushes to move them around.

Her painting in progress, with mine in the foreground.

She spread hers out and managed to make a few interesting colors.

painting glitter paint
Her painting.

I started out doing something similar, then ended up changing directions with my strokes and filling up the whole page with color. It kind of reminds me of a sunset, even if the colors aren’t in the right order.

my painting
And mine.

Even if you don’t have a kid in the house, you can bring a playful attitude to a little bit of creating. If you happen to have some paint handy, drop some globs on a piece of paper (we just used construction paper, nothing fancy) and run a brush through it. Or use your fingers. Or find something you don’t mind getting paint on (a comb, Q-tips, a paper towel, whatever) that can move some paint around.

Don’t think about it too much. This is play.

Admire your results and repeat often.

How do you create with or like a kid? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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