Painting Leaves {Kid Craft}

printing with leaves

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The girl and I went to the park on Saturday, and while she was stalling about leaving she was checking out these big, pretty leaves on one of the plants by the creek. She picked a couple and I said, “when we get home we can paint those.”

I said it to try to get her moving and because occasionally I do like to suggest a project for her (even though I know she’s in charge). This five-minute craft is fun for kids and adults

She liked the idea and we really did get to it right away when we got home.

She wanted me to take one and she took one. She got red paint and I got orange (again, she’s in charge). She wanted me to drip the paint onto the leaves and we spread it out with paintbrushes.

leaf painting steps
Prepping leaves for printing.

I suggested we could make prints with the leaves and she liked that idea.

leaf printmaking
Pressing paper down on the leaf was less messy.

I said I wanted to press the paper down on my leaf; she wanted to turn her leaf over and press it onto the paper.

leaf printmaking
But her method worked, too.

And then she wanted to make an A shape.

printing with leaves
I think it looks more like a bird than an A, but it’s cool whatever it is.

They’re both lovely, and this is an activity that literally takes five or 10 minutes to do (all the photos I took were in a span of five minutes). A great way to preserve nature, play with unconventional painting materials and pass the time before lunch.

printmaking with leaves
My full leaf, which I really like, too.

What could be better?

What have you and your kids been creating lately? I’d love to hear about it!

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