Get Back in Blogging Gear with Content Brew

content brew is on sale for 48 hours only

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Note: I’m a Blog Clarity affiliate, which means if you buy anything through the link in this article I’ll get a kickback. And I’ll appreciate you. But I love this program!

I am slowly but surely getting back into blogging more regularly after a summer in which I blogged nine times over the course of three months (hey, at least I had a really good excuse!).

I know I’m not the only one who blogs less in the summer. I also know a lot of bloggers who have been feeling in a bit of a slump lately, not sure if they want to keep going in the same direction they started in or feeling like they’re running out of things to talk about.

If you’re stuck in the blogging doldrums — or even if you’re thinking about starting a blog and aren’t sure you’ll have enough to write about — you owe it to yourself to check out Blog Clarity’s awesome Content Brew course.

As an aside, if you’re not reading Blog Clarity, you should be. Melissa is full of great tips and easy, actionable items you can do right now to make your blog better.

content brew blogging course
A sampling of the Content Brew worksheets.

I took the Content Brew course originally at the beginning of 2013, and I keep coming back to it because it’s such a great way to kickstart your idea-generating process. I need to go through it again because I’m having trouble getting back into the swing of things (that also has to do with me wanting to redo my website, which I haven’t had time for yet).

It’s guided brainstorming, planning and organizing of ideas for your blog that you can stretch out as far as you like — from a month to a quarter in advance.

This course isn’t about the actual writing of the posts, it’s all about getting you comfortable using an editorial calendar and planning ahead for different things you want to write about.

The course is full of great worksheets and has videos to help you with things like using Evernote and the included content calendar (which you can use or develop your own system).

Here’s the full outline of the course:

  • Lesson 1: Prepwork – Content Planning Questionnaire
  • Lesson 2: Getting to Know the Content Calendar
  • Lesson 3: Planning and Creating Blog Content Ideas (Part 1)
  • Lesson 4: Planning and Creating Blog Content Ideas (Part 2)
  • Lesson 5: Planning and Creating Content for Facebook and Twitter
  • Lesson 6: The Art of Using the Right Words to Drive Traffic
  • Lesson 7: Keep Fresh Content Brewing Using Evernote
  • Lesson 8: Finding and Keeping Track of Content to Share
  • Lesson 9 (Bonus): Easy Automation to Shelve Ideas and Articles for Content Planning

content brew is on sale for 48 hours onlyIt’s completely self-paced and you have lifetime access to the content, but I suggest printing out those worksheets so you can take them away from the computer, go sit with a notebook and plan out your blogging future.

48-Hour Sale

If you’re interested in trying out Content Brew, there’s a 48 hour sale going on right now. The class normally retails for $50, but you can get it for $10 off with the code schoolsback if you buy before 7 a.m. EDT on Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014.

Have you ever taking any blogging courses? I’d love to hear if you’ve taken one you loved!

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