Best Activities of 2015, and My Most Popular Post Ever

homemade gesso ingredients

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It’s always fun as a blogger to look back over the past year to see what people really loved, as a means for developing similar content in the future.

It’s also great for readers to see the top posts from a bunch of different bloggers, because you can catch up on great blogs, activities and ideas without having to search through a lot of stuff.

Today a bunch of kid bloggers are sharing their best activities of 2015, as well as parenting and education posts from the past year in one place so you can get a ton of ideas for the new year.

The best crafts, education, and parenting blog posts of 2015

My Most Popular Post of All Time

homemade gesso ingredients
Store-bought gesso, and the ingredients needed to make your own.

My most popular post of 2015 is actually my most popular post ever and blows everything else far out of the water.

It’s one of those things that, when I wrote it, I had no idea it would be so popular, even though I did write it with SEO in mind.

The post? What is Gesso and How to Make Your Own Gesso.

This post has about 90 percent more traffic than the next most popular post on my site. It gets a lot of traffic.

And it has a ton of great comments, too, so a follow up post (possibly with video) ought to be coming soon.

Popular Post Roundups

Check out the linkys below to find a ton of great popular posts from some of my favorite kid bloggers.

I hope that 2016 brings you lots of crafty adventures, with your kids and on your own!

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1 Comment

  1. I always think it’s interesting to see which post is most popular. It’s never what we expect. I can see how your gesso post is useful though! I’m gonna pin it right now.

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