Tape Resist Painting {Craft Challenge, Day 74}

Make a tape resist painting

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This week I seem to be back in the spirit of relatively fast projects that don’t require a lot of thinking on your part. Maybe it’s the spring weather or the fact that I’m home from a weekend away and just want to have some fun.

It doesn’t really matter, but I do love the sense of accomplishment that comes from little projects. Make a tape resist painting

Tape Resist Painting

This is a super easy one — and another great one to do with kids — that you already have all the supplies for.

All you need is tape (I used a combo of painter’s tape and washi tape, but anything heavy will work), paint and something to paint on. I rediscovered a pack of 8×8 watercolor paper in my stash recently, so that’s what I used. painters tape square

Start with the widest tape you have and tape down a shape or some lines. I made an offset square. Don’t think about it too much.tape lines resist art

Then I added thinner tape that made lines across the square and the rest of the page. tape resist watercolors

Use paint of your choice to paint in the sections that aren’t covered with tape. I used the watercolors again because they were so pretty in the white crayon project.tape resist painting

Allow to dry, then slowly and carefully pull off the tape. Some of the painter’s tape pulled a bit of the paper on mine, but it’s not a huge deal because the paper already had texture.

I really love the way this came out and the fact that projects like this can still kind of surprise you even though you can see the tape lines in advance.

I may go in later and add some lines going the other direction, but I also like all the white space. What do you think?

I’d love to know if you give this one a try, too!

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