Things I Love: Water Beads

water bead manipulation

My recent obsession with Montessori-style play/learning at home has had me reading a lot of different blogs, and there are tons of blogs that mention the fun of using water beads as a play item. I first learned about them from Play at Home Mom (the original post on water beads explains the basics and […]

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Improving on a Classic

Banana Bread

My family does not do a great job eating bananas. We seem to buy some almost every week, but a week rarely goes by when we actually finish a bunch before it turns brown. So I have several go-to banana bread recipes, including one that’s been in my mom’s family now four generations. The original […]

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Things I Love: My Notebooks

pattern sketch

We all have different ways of trying to keep organized. Some people keep calendars in their email or on their phones. Some people have paper calendars. Some people write lists. I have notebooks. I call them “my brain” because if I lost them, I’d lose it. My notebooks are a dumping ground, a storage system, […]

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