During Spring Break I took my daughter to the mall. There’s a gymnastics place there that does meetups for our playgroup, and it’s lots of fun to jump around and get some energy out (and we needed it on that rainy day). We met my sweetie for lunch and a good time was had by […]
Our Desk of Perpetual Sorrow
In our old house, I had a tiny desk. I used an antique secretary as my desk, so once I put my widescreen laptop on it there was barely room for a book beside it (this is why I started using my fabulous messy notebooks). I knew I wanted to do better in the new […]
Cleaning Up the Counter of Annoyance
I mentioned, I think, that I have a really excellent kitchen. It’s big, and has lots of counter space, and will be even better for entertaining when we can get some barstools after the Bit is big enough to not use them to climb onto the counter (does that ever happen?). But there’s this countertop. […]
Cleaning Out the Pantry
One of the things we loved about our new house when we first came to look at it was the kitchen, which is a thing a beauty in most aspects (would have loved a double oven and a six-burner stove, though!) but also benefits from having a huge pantry. It’s actually ridiculously huge. It’s floor […]
How to Clean a Child’s Closet
When you have a young child, you can’t really blame them for the state of their room. My girl did not pile random stuff in her closet (for the most part) to make it look like this: But the Bit’s closet has definitely gotten out of hand. It’s been a dumping ground for anything I […]
Decluttering Doesn’t Have to Take Forever!
It’s spring cleaning season and the blogosphere is inundated with posts about people trying to get more organized, cleaning out their homes, sharing tips, etc. Just reading about all that work can be overwhelming! But this week I did get motivated in a small way, thanks to Project Simplify over at Simple Mom. It’s a […]
Water Bead Fun Fact, Plus a Look into My Crazy Bag
There is a lot of stuff in my purse. It’s such a big purse, in fact, that I usually call it “my bag” instead, because “purse” just doesn’t seem to do it justice. I’m reminded of the question put to Ally Sheedy’s character in “The Breakfast Club”: “Do you always keep so much shit in […]