Of Sponges and Starting Over


I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately. I’m feeling like more of a hermit than normal, like it’s not worth it to leave the house for just about any reason. I love home, and when I think about trips I’d been planning for later in the year it just makes me tired. I’d rather […]

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Sip Some Sangria with the TMI Mom

Disclosure: Heather sent me a digital review copy of her book so I could write about it. I’m not much of a fiction writer, but I’ve always enjoyed concocting stories about strangers. I love imagining how that single running shoe ended up in the middle of the street, where that woman on the airplane is […]

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Pretty up Your Day with Washi Tape

washi clip art wire

Like a lot of crafters, I’m kind of obsessed with washi tape. This pretty paper tape is available at craft stores and super stores, anywhere with a crafts section. It seems like a simple thing, but it’s a great way to pretty up everyday things and get a “craft project” done in no time. Why […]

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Developing a Reading Challenge

reading challenge

My friend and fellow blogger Julie is great at setting — and meeting! — audacious goals when it comes to reading. Today I invited her to share some of what she does when setting reading goals in the hope it will inspire of all us to be more thoughtful readers. Thanks, Julie! Hello! I’m Julie […]

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