Bulky Stockinette Throw Knitting Pattern

This bulky stockinette throw knitting pattern is super easy to make and a really fast project because three strands of yarn are held together throughout. When I made it I happened to have a lot of several different colors of the same yarn so mine is actually color blocked, but you could hold three strands […]

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Pumpkin Spice Soap Recipe

This pumpkin spice soap recipe is super easy and smells amazing. It would be a great addition to a holiday gift or something to make for yourself when you need a little fall-scented self-care. Making Soap is Easy and Fun I really enjoy making soap, and I don’t know why I don’t do it more […]

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The Easiest Homemade Bread Recipe Ever

Once fall and winter come along, the easiest homemade bread recipe sure comes in handy. I make this pretty much every week to go with soup, and the leftovers are perfect to make grilled cheese, French toast or grilled bread to go with other meals. I have baked a lot of different kinds of bread […]

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