Did anyone try writing poetry last week? It’s seriously a lot of fun. This week’s creativity boost is a different kind of prompt. Not a specific type of creative act, but something to get you past wondering where to begin that you can take to whatever kind of creative act you like. Because it’s Halloween […]
Creativity Boost: Writing Short Poetry
When I was in New Mexico, we spent the evening of the autumnal equinox huddled in the zendo, sheltered from a cold rain, talking about and writing haiku. That may be the most pompous sentence I’ve ever written. Still. Traditionally in America we think of haiku as being three-lined poems, with an emphasis on nature, […]
Creativity Boost: Start Small
I’d guess I’m not alone in feeling like there is no season that is not busy anymore. It used to feel like things calmed down every now and then, like there was not quite so much clamoring for attention all the time. But it’s been about five months now that I’ve been looking ahead to […]
How to Embellish a Canvas Tote Bag
I don’t pay a lot of attention to Klout, the website that gives people scores based on their influence (as of this writing I’m at 63, though I don’t really know what that means). But one cool thing about Klout is Perks, which are sometimes given to people for being awesome in the hope that […]
Take Yourself on a Field Trip {Creativity Boosts}
Today I have a challenge for you to try today, over the weekend or next week: take yourself on a field trip. As grown ups we often get so into our routines and schedules that we don’t take time for anything out of the ordinary (read: fun). And shaking things up is one great way […]