Creativity Boost: Start Small

Need a creative boost? Start small.

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I’d guess I’m not alone in feeling like there is no season that is not busy anymore. It used to feel like things calmed down every now and then, like there was not quite so much clamoring for attention all the time.

But it’s been about five months now that I’ve been looking ahead to some point in the future where I imagine things will be less crazy (by then, though, it will be November and the holidays and snow days and sick days and whatever else) and I’m beginning to realize there is no less busy. Unless we make it so. Need a creative boost? Start small.

But we still want to do things outside of the things we have to do. We want to be creative and explore things and read and play with our kids and spend time with our spouses or our pets or whatever.

So how do we make that happen when everything seems so important, so pressing, like we need to be this busy all the time?

Start small.

How to Start Small

I think we often get the notion that in order to be creative we need to have a lot of time, to make a project or do a piece of writing from start to finish all in one sitting.

Sometimes that’s necessary, and sometimes it’s possible, but when you’re feeling like you just can’t possibly add another thing, that’s not the attitude to have.

Or maybe it is, and the scale of the thing we want to make needs to be a lot smaller.

What could you do in 10 minutes?Need a creative boost? Start small.Maybe you could

  • make a tiny bunting for a Halloween project
  • do a little bit of sewing (by hand or machine)
  • write a quick poem
  • do 10 minutes of writing practice
  • walk outside, take a picture of something that catches your eye and post it on Instagram
  • do a sketch
  • put one color of paint down on some paper or canvas
  • do a little knitting or crochet
  • make and play a musical instrument
  • write a song
  • dance
  • cut out pieces of paper or fabric for a collage

Need a creative boost? Start small.If you need more ideas or more details, check out my free guide 10 Creative Boosts to Try in 10 Minutes or Less.

Try this once, then see if you can find a little time once a day, or every other day, or a couple of times a day, to get in a little creative practice. It will make you feel less rushed, less hurried, like you have fewer demands on you, if you can just take a little bit of time to do something that is just for you. Really.

If you try this I would love to hear about what you make and how it goes for you!

Read the previous post in this series: Pay Attention | Next post: Writing Practice



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