I had a bad feeling about this one. Though I am well-versed in a lot of crafty arts, there are some things I haven’t tried. Things I have no good reason to have not tried. Woodworking is one example of something I haven’t tried that it’s good I haven’t tried, because I can be kind […]
Painting with Fabric Paint
This is maybe the first one of these challenges that the average person might not have materials on hand for. I really want them to be accessible, easy things for people to try mostly with whatever they have on hand and that can be completed the day you read about them, but that’s not always […]
Use What You Have to Make a Fort Kit Gift
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BringingInnovation #CollectiveBias As a crafter I feel like the aim of at least some of what I do is to help the environment. While I do make things out of new things I also like to find ways […]
On-the-Fly Pillowcase Top Not-a-Tutorial
One of the ways I like to learn things is to kind of get myself in over my head and see what happens. Last week’s Iron Craft challenge, which I totally missed, was to create something blue. I had this great blue batik fabric I knew I wanted to use. I wanted to make a […]
Make a Mini Bunting for Your Fairy Garden {Or Whatever Else}
Last week I shared my fairy garden that I made for the girl, which she is still loving, by the way. I mentioned that I wanted to make a mini bunting, and I finally did. It’s super simple, irresistibly adorable and messy. You will have glue on every finger when it’s done. It will be […]
Easy Upcycled DIY Curtain Tiebacks
The window in my office is right over my shoulder when I’m sitting at the computer, so most of the time I have to keep my curtains closed. But in the winter it’s so important to see that little bit of light that is out there, I decided I needed a curtain tie back. We’d […]
Peg Dolls: An Easy, Collaborative Craft
Note: link is affiliate link I had every intention of making the girl some peg dolls for Christmas. I actually started them, getting so far as painting the heads, drawing on faces and making/painting hair onto them. Then the girl noticed them on my desk, said she thought they needed arms, and that was the […]