Vintage Patches for a Stained Skirt {Iron Craft Challenge}

fabric appliques to cover stains

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The challenge from Iron Craft this week was to make something with something vintage or inspired by something vintage or retro.

I immediately thought of this pillowcase from my childhood, because anything as old as me is definitely vintage.

vintage pillowcase
This fabric just screams vintage to me.

I didn’t want to make a pillowcase dress out of a white pillowcase, and this one actually is a little stained in places, so I wasn’t completely sure what I wanted to do with it.

Then I remembered this little skirt I have that has a really blatant greasy stain on the front. grease stain

I usually only wear it around the house, but it’s right in the front, so it annoys me.

I thought it would be cute to cut out some of the flowers from the pillowcase and use them to cover up the stain (I used more than one so it wouldn’t be so obvious that I was hiding a stain).

This is super easy to do with the help of my favorite adhesive in the world and a great way to cover up stains that makes your garments even cuter than they were before.


  • stained skirt, shorts, shirt, whatever
  • vintage pillowcase, sheet or fabric
  • Aleene’s Fabric Fusion (not an affiliate link; I just love it)


Cut out the shapes you want to use and try out positions on the garment.

I didn’t completely cover it, but I got the edges and put a couple of drops in the middle.

Cover the back of the cutout with a nice amount of glue.

cutout flowers
There’s a rule in design that groups of three look more natural. Certainly better than one when you’re trying to hide a stain but make it look purposeful.

Place where you want it. Repeat with other bits.
Let dry. Feel impressed by your industriousness.

fabric appliques to cover stains
Much better. Cute, even.

In addition to all the other quirks I’m going through right now, I’m feeling a strong pull not to buy stuff. So fixing things up is really important to me (and I have a lot of stuff with stains on it). I love this super-simple project; I hope you do, too.

What have you been making lately? I’d love to know.

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