When I made these the other day I wrote on Facebook that we were having “pumpkin muffin cupcake things” for dessert, and one of my friends, well, I don’t know if she was really making fun of me calling them that, but it’s a pretty funny name. Still, I think that’s what they are. The […]
A Quick Tutu Trick
As I mentioned in my post yesterday about the Bit’s Halloween costume, I learned a new trick for making tutus that made the process of making this particularly tutu a little quicker and easier than it usually is. If you’ve on Pinterest, you’ve probably seen it, too, but just in case I wanted to share. […]
Costume Crafting with Cookie’s Kids
As a crafter, I love making my kid clothes, and making Halloween costumes is especially fun. Last year I spent several hours over a week or so making the Bit’s Yoda costume, which was quite cute even though the hat didn’t fit and she started screaming before we even got to the next-door neighbor’s door. […]
Monday Morning Making: A Lesson About Being Prepared
Over the weekend we bought an itty bitty pumpkin at the grocery store. It’s a little early to decorate for Halloween, but pumpkins in their whole form are perfectly appropriate for fall, and they’re cute, so why not? Last year I let the Bit paint a pumpkin, so that’s what she wanted to do again. […]
Halloween Craftiness, Part Two: The Costume
Every year of my daughter’s life I’ve made some part of her costume. The first year she didn’t really have a costume, because she was seven weeks out of the NICU (and eight weeks out of me) so we weren’t exactly leaving the house. But she did have a Halloween-themed onesie, and I had a […]
Halloween Craftiness, Part One: Pumpkins!
Somehow I didn’t manage to get any of our Halloween crafty goodness blogged while it was still before Halloween, so I’m just putting this here for the record and will try to bring it up again next year before the actual holiday in question. (The reason behind the lack of pre-event-blogging is that all of […]