Just above my computer monitor in my office, there’s a little piece of wire hanging between two nails. It’s been there for a few years, and I hang things from it that I like, things to inspire me, things the girl demands I hang up, whatever. It’s gotten a little overloaded recently. And I haven’t […]
Monthly Goals: Office Cleaning, Again
As part of my focus on clear this year, I feel like I need more clarity with monthly goals and really checking in with myself to make sure I’m getting where I want to be. So I’ve joined a monthly link up for bloggers all about goal setting, which will get me posting about — […]
Cleaning the Craft Closet, a #projectsimplify Update
I have not been doing all that well with my One Little Word this year. Simplify is such a great word — and I did some good stuff with it at the beginning of the year — and I have every intention of seeing it through in every way I still can with what’s left […]
A Month of #projectsimplify
I’m finding it incredibly hard to believe that January is almost over, but being almost a month into this year’s One Little Word it seemed like time for a check in. My word is simplify (and my hashtag for the year is #projectsimplify, because everything’s more legit if it has a hashtag), and a big […]
Literally Creating Space
Sometimes this idea I’m focusing on this month — creating space — is as mental as it is physical. I need to create space in my mind and heart as well as in my office in order to create well and to live well. I actually just wrote down this quote yesterday: Clean out a […]