Monthly Goals: Office Cleaning, Again

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As part of my focus on clear this year, I feel like I need more clarity with monthly goals and really checking in with myself to make sure I’m getting where I want to be.

So I’ve joined a monthly link up for bloggers all about goal setting, which will get me posting about — and hopefully also thinking about and doing — my goals at least once a month. Join the monthly goals linkup and get more done in 2016!

If you’re a blogger, you can link up your posts about goal setting and goal accomplishing here too.

January’s Goal: A Clear(er) Office

Anyone who has read this blog for long probably knows that my office is a disaster most of the time.

I go through periods of less bad, but most of the time it’s just awful.

And I spend hours a day here, so that’s just silly.

My office shouldn’t be a catch-all; it’s where I work. And if I’m going to be inspired to sit here are work more and make more, I need to feel good in the space.

I don’t right now. I hope that changes a lot by the end of the month. desk cleared off

I started before the turn of 2015 by clearing off my desk.

It’s clear glass, so you can see that I also need to clean under my desk, but that will come soon.

So a big part of the clearing strategy is this hanging paper file that is right next to my chair. paper file organization

It’s been there for years but has usually collected junk.

Now it has checkbooks (which I can never find when I need), current notes, school stuff for the girl. My planner may end up staying there, too.

The idea is that any paper on my desk at the end of the day will go there, and at the end of the week I will go through, clear out, take action, etc.

That’s the goal.

What’s yours?

(Visited 366 times, 1 visits today)

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  1. I like the idea of using a hanging paper file for keeping hold of the things you’ll need on a regular basis. I I have a huge pile of papers on my desk that contains anything from expired coupons to bills. I have to sort through the entire pile just to find anything I need. If I had a paper file like this, and actually used it, I think it would definitely help me feel much less stressed.

  2. Great idea man,monthly goals of cleaning can be achieved easily.We can set up different tasks in accordance with our work load and requirement.I will try best to follow your style.Thanks for sharing!

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