My Making (and Buying) Mantra


One Little Word is a great way to avoid making specific resolutions, but there is one thing I’m going to try to do better this year that doesn’t easily fit into the “grow” scheme. I find it’s a lot easier to think about having principles than it is to actually carry them out. So maybe […]

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Literally Creating Space

cleaner desk

Sometimes this idea I’m focusing on this month — creating space — is as mental as it is physical. I need to create space in my mind and heart as well as in my office in order to create well and to live well. I actually just wrote down this quote yesterday: Clean out a […]

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Something We Need to Talk About

I used to have a website all about freelance writing. It was supposed to allow me to teach what I’d learned about the business of writing, and also to make money. I failed miserably at the second and usually felt like I was shouting into the wilderness, so I shut the site down. But every […]

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