Any time is a good time for goal setting, but at the end of the year or the beginning of a new one we are often primed to review the past year and think about what we want to do differently. These goal setting tips will help you be more successful reaching your goals, whenever […]
Make a Brain Dump List to Boost Your Productivity
Or, how using a brain dump list can set you free. I’m a big believer in lists. I actually probably place too much faith in lists, as if I can cram all my hopes onto a piece of paper and somehow magically the day will expand so I can actually get all those things done. […]
Creativity Boost: What Can You Give Up?
If you don’t follow me on Instagram or Twitter you might have missed that I spent the weekend at a blogger conference, which is always nice to do because I see old friends and get inspired about what direction I want my blog, and my life, to go. Now that I have a little more […]
How to Deal with a Massive To-Do List
Despite our best intentions sometimes work piles up, whether because we took a day or two off, deadlines ended up on top of each other or just because it’s been a crazy summer. I have faced down some giant to-do lists lately (and have another one coming up this week as I prep for the […]
Monthly Goals: Keeping Up
This has not been a great year for goal setting or goal keeping so far. In January I was going to clean my office and keep my desk cleared off. It’s March, and both my office and my desk are still a wreck (but a couple of big wreck-making things have happened and are done […]
My 3 Favorite Productivity Tools
I get a lot of things done. I don’t always feel like I do, but usually, when I can be objective about it, I realize that I really accomplish a lot. I ended a recent week feeling like I hadn’t gotten a lot done, or at least not everything I meant to. But when I […]
Feel Productive with a Daily/Weekly Check In
I’ve been thinking a lot about productivity this week, after writing last week about that fact that there is no such thing as a perfect day in which you’ll get all your work done with focus, skill and ease. That idea of Paige’s that you really need to feel productive even if you’re not doing […]