I’m to the part in my book where I feel like I need to be doing nothing but knitting all the time. The reality of deadlines has finally sunk in, and I’m paring down everything else in my life as much as possible so that I can focus and knit with as much of my […]
A Simple Way to Spring Clean Your Air
Make a simple essential oil air freshener with baking soda to help spring clean the air (or make it fresher any time of year). This is one of those ideas I found on Pinterest and now that I’m looking again to give credit, I see it’s all over the place, but I think the pin […]
Spring Clean Your Pinterest Page: Break Up Boards
I think most of us, when we started building Pinterest boards, probably didn’t quite realize what we were getting into. So we made our categories pretty general, or vague, or we weren’t exactly sure what to do with things so we just put them somewhere. I, for instance, have a board called “general craftiness.” It […]