A Simple Way to Spring Clean Your Air

essential oil air freshener

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Make a simple essential oil air freshener with baking soda to help spring clean the air (or make it fresher any time of year).

This is one of those ideas I found on Pinterest and now that I’m looking again to give credit, I see it’s all over the place, but I think the pin I first saw for it was from Tidy Mom.

Now that spring is here we’re all looking for ways to clean our spaces and to make them seem a little fresher, too. So this baking soda essential oil air freshener is just the thing to spruce of the smells in your home or office. diy air freshener

It’s super simple to put together and looks cute on a desk or table. Mine is in my office, so I used essential oils that are good for focus and energy as well as smelling good. It remains to be seen if it improves my work performance!

Related: 8 Uses for Essential Oils in the Home

Essential Oil Air Freshener Supplies

  • half-pint Mason jar or other jar with a ring lid
  • piece of scrapbook paper
  • pencil, scissors, straight pin or sharp needle
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • essential oil or oils of your choice
  • spoon

How to Make Baking Soda Room Freshener
essential oil air freshener

  1. To make the lid for your jar, remove the original lid and trace the flat part on a piece of scrapbook paper. Cut it out.
  2. Add baking soda and oils to jar. I used about 15 drops total; five each of eucalyptus, rosemary and vanilla, but you can use whatever you like. Don’t combine too many oils or you might not get a good smell in the end.
  3. Mix with spoon, or put the original lid on the jar and shake.
  4. Put the paper lid on the jar and tighten the screw top.
  5. Use the pin or needle to poke holes in the top to let the scent out.
  6. Place somewhere you can enjoy it.

I’m not big on scented stuff, but this is subtle enough that it makes the place smell a little nicer without being chemically. I like that.

An essential oil air freshener like this is perfect for the bathroom (I have used this in my daughter’s bathroom before, but you might want to use a plastic bottle if kids might mess with it), laundry room or anywhere else that might get stinky and need help absorbing odors.

You can change up the oils based on where it is located, the time of year, etc. This would be a super simple and useful gift for a teacher to use in their classroom, too! (Just give them the recipe so they can refresh it; it lasts a month or two.)

Need more help with a smelly spot in your home? Check out my DIY room spray!

Do you do anything special to make your home smell nicer for spring? I’d love to hear about it.

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