Today’s challenge is sort of the digital version of yesterday’s inspiration wire challenge. There is so much fun, inspirational stuff out there on the Internet, whether projects you want to try, techniques to explore or just pretty pictures or objects that can inspire your own creations. The task today is easy: take 10 minutes (you […]
A Simple Way to Spring Clean Your Air
Make a simple essential oil air freshener with baking soda to help spring clean the air (or make it fresher any time of year). This is one of those ideas I found on Pinterest and now that I’m looking again to give credit, I see it’s all over the place, but I think the pin […]
Spring Clean Your Pinterest: Hide Your Mess with Private Boards
I love the Pinterest private board feature. It’s a great way to organize things or do research when you don’t want people to know what you’re doing. I have a “to write about” board that holds research, patterns I want to look at, stuff like that. For my last book I did a board that […]
Spring Clean Your Pinterest Page: Break Up Boards
I think most of us, when we started building Pinterest boards, probably didn’t quite realize what we were getting into. So we made our categories pretty general, or vague, or we weren’t exactly sure what to do with things so we just put them somewhere. I, for instance, have a board called “general craftiness.” It […]
Hold Onto Inspiration {Creativity Boosts}
Do you ever see inspiring pictures or quotes but don’t have a system for keeping them? That’s what we’re working on today. It can be as simple as a physical file folder if you tend to rip things out of magazines or print things out. I have a Pinterest board called visuals that I keep […]
Mason Jar Lid Pumpkin {Iron Craft Challenge}
This week’s Iron Craft challenge was to make something for Halloween, and with the girl being sick I didn’t think I was going to get mine done but it’s so quick and easy it was no problem to do even in the short amount of time I’ve had in my office today. The mason jar […]
A Crafty Fall To-Do List
Today is the first day it’s actually felt like fall might be coming to Arkansas. As I write this it’s a lovely 82 degrees outside and the window right behind me is open. Love it. I’ve been a little reluctant for it to be fall, which is weird, because it’s my favorite. I guess it’s […]