Spring Clean Your Pinterest: Hide Your Mess with Private Boards

secret pinterest boards

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I love the Pinterest private board feature. It’s a great way to organize things or do research when you don’t want people to know what you’re doing.

I have a “to write about” board that holds research, patterns I want to look at, stuff like that. spring clean pinterest

For my last book I did a board that had all of my yarn choices and project they were for, so I could get a visual glimpse of the book even when the projects weren’t done. I started one for the book I’m working on now, but it’s not as detailed.

Private boards are perfect for when you want to know about something but you don’t want the whole world to know that you’re looking into it. Party planning, gift ideas, a trip you don’t want everyone to know you’re taking.

I have a board called “the skinny” where I put all those pins about workouts and diet tips. I know everyone makes this stuff public, but I guess I don’t want the world to know the extent to which I’m obsessed with particular parts of my body (or how much I don’t actually use those pins). secret pinterest boards

To make a secret board, scroll down to the very bottom of your board list and you’ll see a shadowy box with a + in it. Click there and you can make a board as you would any other. Alternatively, you can start with something you want to pin, create a new board like we did earlier, then just make sure you set it to private.

The only problem with private boards is that you can’t move something directly to a private board if you’ve already pinned it to a public board. In that case you have to repin it to the private board and then delete the pin from the public board. It’s a pain, and I don’t know why it is that way, but I’m just glad there are private boards, so I live with it.

Do you use private boards? Willing to divulge what you use them for? Let’s chat.


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1 Comment

  1. i get the pleasure of helping lots of friends plan their big days, so i keep those boards private and share with them and their wedding planning friends. another are gifts for my husband. he uses pinterest as an idea for us to dream up our next big thing. since i am the only person he follows, i try not to give away all my secrets 🙂 i also have used them in the past for ideas for clients at work. i am so glad they are unlimited now!

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