Monday Inspirations, #tcoyos Edition


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This weekend was the second of what I hope becomes a long series of working weekends with some of my favorite people. Our hashtag, thanks to Jacqueline, is #tcoyos, for “take care of your own stuff” (well, we use a different word, to be honest, but this is a family blog) and while lots of stuff does get taken care of, what really happens for me is a sort of refueling, a reminder that what I do is good and important, that people have my back and love me and support me whatever I do.

Thanks to Eileen (who started a new site this weekend) for the reminder.

There’s always lots of laughing, and this time around, a fair bit of knitting, too.

But mostly it’s about inspiration.

We get excited sharing our stuff with other people, talking about the world of words and things we’re passionate about among people who really get us. It’s fun to be in a room full of people who love language, who are smart (and, yes, some smart asses) and who don’t judge a thing you say or do.

It’s really the best thing ever.

We shared a lot of great stuff this weekend, and I thought it might be fun to share a bit of it with you, too. This may be a weekly habit of sharing things that are inspiring me, but one thing I learned this weekend is I’m putting too much pressure on myself to keep up with non-book-related things, so I’m no making any promises.

Natural Wonder

Wouldn’t you love to write by this view?

Our retreat happened at fellow creative soul Terra’s house (her accomplishment this weekend was opening her etsy shop, so go check it out), which is near the lake. It’s finally feeling like spring around here, and it was lovely to look out the window and see that little sliver of lake and the trees that soon will be bursting with new leaves.

Also wonderful was the sunshine at the kitchen table in the morning, and the lovely flowers everywhere that I somehow didn’t take a picture of.

It’s so great to feel the seasons change, and you can bet I’ll be writing and knitting outside a lot this week when it’s in the 70s!

A New Mantra

The first time we got together, there were so many great random one-liners that we wished we had a way to capture them all, so this time around we used dry-erase marker on the windows.

she just does it
Thanks to Paige for the photo!

This one is my favorite, and what I really needed to bring away from the weekend.

Don’t think about the how or why or how much you think you can’t do it. She just does it.

Tips for a Good Life

Sunday morning as we were getting ready to leave I came across a piece from Brain Pickings about the book Whatever You Are, Be a Good One, an illustrated compendium of wise advice beautifully illuminated by Lisa Cogdon.

It’s all great advice, of course, but this was the one that seemed most appropriate to me. letting go

I’m in a clearing stage (because that’s one thing I can control in the chaos of writing a book) and I need to be reminded sometimes that letting go is a very good thing.

And for Good Writing

The other Sarah (who bought and forwarded a new domain over the weekend!) shared a BuzzFeed post that’s a few months old but still really awesome about quotes from writers that will inspire you to write more.

There’s lots of great stuff here, but my favorite right now is from Ray Bradbury.writing advice ray bradbury

I like this one because when Stephanie asked for my best writing advice, that’s basically what I said. (What I actually said was “Read every day. Write every day.” I may elaborate on that soon.)

How was your weekend? I’d love to know what’s inspiring you right now!

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  1. thanks for the love, both virtually and in real life. i know you know it is mutual.
    you got this friend 🙂 DO IT!

  2. What a fantastic reflection of our weekend — love it. Thanks for being you, Sarah E. White. I feel fortunate to have met and connected with you. You and your passive sarcasm 🙂

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