Knitting for Two

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Some people who only know me from the Internet already know my big news, but for those who don’t, I’m finally ready to officially announce that I’m having a baby! I’m due in mid-October, so I’m right at halfway done with the gestating, which has been wonderfully easy so far (except for being tired a lot of the time).

We just found out last week that the little one is a girl, so it’s high time to get that gender-appropriate knitting started. Of course I have way more things I’d like to knit than I’ll possibly have time for (I could have just copied Vickie Howell’s pregnancy announcement and said, “what she said”), and a trip to the yarn store today did not make that list any shorter.

Here’s what I couldn’t live without:

misson-1824Mission Falls 1824 Wool, a 100 percent merino superwash, which likely will be used for some kind of soaker/diaper cover (we’re going the cloth route)

koiguKoigu Premium Merino, my one concession to the fact that most people think girls ought to be in pink. I think this will probably be a little sweater, but I’m not sure. It just jumped into my arms.

cp-panda-silkCrystal Palace Panda Silk, a bamboo/superwash merino/silk blend that will probably actually be for grownup-sized socks

alpaca-silkand Blue Sky Alpacas Alpaca Silk, in two colors, for knitting the “Her First Party Dress” (Ravelry link) and the “Matinee Sweater” both from The Expectant Knitter. That’s a great book, by the way, that I want to knit about 10 things out of (and am already knitting a shawl from, that’s the big gray thing I wrote about not too long ago that’ snow about halfway done).

So, knitters, what else should be on my list?

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