Knit Picks Giveaway Winner

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Hi, all! We took off for the holiday weekend a little early, so I haven’t gotten a chance to thank everyone for entering the Knit Picks books giveaway! We had a whopping 244 entries, which is awesome, and it was lots of fun to read all your country/city/in between comments!

The winner of this one is commenter 82, which was June. Since I had two people named June enter, the winning comment was this one:

Happy Anniversary! We celebrated 20 years last Thursday, the 17th.

We are country people and now that we are blessed to live in the country on an acreage, we enjoy our country life. We had been gone overnight and my husband commented that he was glad to get back to his little slice of life in the country.

Thanks again to everyone who entered, and I’ll be getting in touch with the winning June soon. And I’ll be back with another giveaway next week for the dyers in the house.

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