Get Blacklisted for Free Today Only!

who peed on my yoga mat

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There are a lot of amazing, creative people in Northwest Arkansas, and just one of many I’ve gotten the pleasure of meeting in the past year is Lela Davidson. Lela write parenting humor, which has got to be a pretty tough genre to get noticed in because all of our kids give us so much material.

But Lela has gotten a lot of notice from this wee corner of a flyover state. Her first book, Blacklisted from the PTA, was an award winner, and she gets published everywhere from TODAY Moms to the Huffington Post talking about parenting issues and the crazy things kids and parents do.
who peed on my yoga mat

I read the book a few months ago and found it wonderful light reading, but also relatable and even sweet. To quote my review, linked in the previous sentence for your reading pleasure:

I should say, for the record, that it’s not entirely trashy. There are stories about stripper poles, whore Barbies, steamy flings with the Container Store and fantasies of widowhood. There’s also the more mundane stuff of life such as date nights at Sam’s Club, head lice eradication techniques and the joys of cloth diapering for half a day.

Her brand-new book, Who Peed On My Yoga Mat? promises to deliver more of the same. I wasn’t cool lucky enough to get an advance copy, but the book launches today and I’ll be at the party, so I can pick up a copy and will report back to you as soon as I can.

In the meantime, she’s produced a trailer to get us all excited about the new essay collection, which you can see here:

In addition, if you haven’t read Blacklisted yet, you can download the Kindle version for free today only (that’s Dec. 4, if you read this later). It’s a quick, fun read that has so much truth in it you’ll be nodding your head while you’re laughing your ass off. You can thank me later.

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