Staking Out another Crafty Corner

not consumed

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not consumedA couple of months ago I took an online course that was all about planning blog content and tools that would make blogging easier. While I’ve only sort of kept up with the program (and need to get back into it soon!), one thing that did comeout of the class was that I met LaToya, an amazing mom of two boys. All moms are amazing, of course, but I particularly admire her for being a single mom who homeschools her boys. I can’t even imagine.

Anyway, she reached out to me because a blog she works with was looking for contributors, including someone to write about crafts. I said yes, and I’m happy to report that I’m now officially a contributor at Not Consumed.

You can read my intro over there for more information on my crafty story and what I’m going to share there. But it’s a website that really aims to help families that are hurting because of divorce or loss. It has a Christian perspective, which y’all know is so not me, but I’m happy to be able to share my ideas about how crafts can help bring families together over there.

I hope you’ll check it out, and I’ll be sure to let you know when my first crafty post is live (I gave myself a huge RSI flareup working on it yesterday!).

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