Learn Serging with a Free Class from Craftsy

serger craftsy class

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Note: I’m an affiliate of Craftsy, but I have also taken classes from the service and love it. So there.

One of my big goals related to crafting for a couple of years now has been to learn how to use a serger. I’ve actually had a serger that I bought myself as a Christmas present a couple of years ago and it has literally never been out of the box.

This is shameful and horrible and it will end this year, I promise.

I just really lack confidence and am super intimidated by the prospect of learning how to use it. Even though I know it’s just a learning curve like any other craft and if I’m patient with myself and have good resources to help me, I’ll learn.

When it comes time to take it out of the box (which I’m willing to admit might not be until September, when I’m done with my book) I’ll definitely be signing up for Craftsy’s Beginner Serging class.serger craftsy class

Amy Alan’s course runs more than four hours and covers everything from how a serger works to basic stitches, decorative stitches and troubleshooting your machine.

You’ll also learn to make a zippered bag (I’m also afraid of zippers!), and apron and a scarf.

I say “you” because one of you actually is going to get a chance to take this class. All you have to do I follow the link below. If you’re not a Craftsy member already, you’ll need to sign up, but it’s free.

Enter to win a Craftsy class!

The contest is open now through next Friday, April 4. One winner will be selected at random. The class has a value of $49.99.

I’d love it if you’d drop me a comment if you enter, or let me know what area of crafting intimidates you the most.

Thanks for visiting, entering and sharing! Good luck.

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