Easy Ways to Celebrate Doctors on Doctors’ Day

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March 30 is celebrated as National Doctors’ Day in the United States and elsewhere, and now more than ever feels like the right time to celebrate and honor doctors and health care professionals.

But it’s not like you can take your favorite doctor out for a coffee to thank them for the amazing work they are doing now and every other day they are at work. Here are some easy things you can do to celebrate doctors on Doctors’ Day or any other day, and maybe help your local community in other ways, too.

How to Celebrate Doctors’ Day (Leaving the House Optional)

  • Find a local business that is doing deliveries (or do the delivering yourself) and send coffee and treats, snacks or lunch.
  • See if your local Girl Scout troop has extra cookies (selling season got cut short). Arrange to buy cookies that can be donated to a local hospital or nursing home. Win-win!
  • Get a gift card from a local business and send or deliver to your favorite doctor or your local hospital with a thank you note.
  • Sew masks if your local hospital or clinic has asked for them. Homemade masks are not considered personal protective equipment for use in a hospital setting, but can be used with more sophisticated equipment. There are lots of patterns out there. If your hospital or healthcare provider has a specific pattern they like, use that one. I found options from Cox Health and Deaconess Hospital, which are examples of the types that hospitals might want to have.
  • Support free health clinics. If you have the means to donate to nonprofit health organizations at this time, they could certainly use our support.
  • Find the people helping the helpers. Look around your community to find people who might already be organizing events or fundraisers to help the healthcare community. A local chocolate company is selling a special bar and each time one is purchased another bar is donated to a local hospital and money is raised toward buying masks. If you don’t know about any efforts in your community, check for a local mutual aid Facebook group.
  • STAY HOME. Yes, I know it’s not possible for everyone. But the best way to support doctors and other health professionals is to limit our exposure to others. Assuming you can stay home, please do so. When you go out, make sure to stay a safe distance from other people, limit time around others as much as possible, don’t touch your face and wash those grubby hands.

Are you taking time to honor doctors this Doctors’ Day or while we are in the midst of this crisis? I would love to hear your ideas!

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