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Master cookie time with a printable Girl Scout cookie receipt.
My daughter has been a Girl Scout for three years, and I’ve been trying to come up with a better way to handle cookie time every year. She doesn’t sell a ton of cookies (we have a mere 12 cases sitting in our dining room as I type this) but it still takes a lot to keep track of which cookies go to whom, how much they owe and who has paid.

An Easy Fill-in Girl Scout Cookie Receipt
This printable Girl Scout cookie receipt makes the first part of that a little easier, anyway.
As I go through her order form selecting boxes for each person who ordered, I can fill out exactly what they ordered and how much it costs.
I add in a due date that’s a few days before I need to have the money collected to go to the troop, and note that they can make checks to the troop directly.

I check each person off on the order form as I “fill” their order, and then I know which boxes go to whom without having to pull it out every time. This will definitely make it easier when I’m distributing cookies to the 20 people in my husband’s office who ordered cookies, most of whom I don’t know. And any cookie distribution he has to do will be easy, too, because everything is labeled and all the information they need is on the form.
Pro tip: Those rubber bands from Whole Foods, or any large rubber bands, are perfect for collecting two or three boxes together. Bigger orders go in bags with the receipt stapled or taped to the bag.
(Speaking of delivering cookies to 20 people in one office, this year I bought a collapsible folding wagon to make that a ton easier.)
I have two versions of this for you: the Word document you can edit with your own troop number or add any other details you like, and a PDF you can add your troop number to by hand. If you take Venmo or Paypal you can add that in there, too.
Related: Planning a Daisy Bridging Ceremony? Check out my easy Daisy bridging ceremony ideas and rainbow beaded pin activity.
Girl Scout Cookie Record Keeping
In the past I have just kept track of who had paid me for their cookies right on the order form. There’s a space for that, and it’s super handy if you’re carrying around your order form as well as your money envelope.
Sometimes people will return the receipt with their payment, which is also super helpful.
I hate to bring another spreadsheet into my life, but I’m thinking that might make it easier. Or a checklist of names in One Note that I could access on my computer or my phone, wherever I happened to be when someone paid me.
I definitely don’t have all the Girl Scout cookie time tricks sorted yet (in fact, I’m not a full-fledged troop leader exactly because I don’t want to have to deal with more cookie stuff than my own). But I would definitely love to know your tricks if you have them.
And anything you do to keep from eating them all in the first week I would also love to know.