Boost Your Creativity Today with This Fun Class from Creativebug

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Want an easy way to boost your creativity? This Creativebug course gives you 30 easy ideas in 3 hours.

Living a more creative life is always a goal for me, and something I try to encourage in my readers and friends as well. And even though I have plenty of ideas for things to make and try, I’m always interested in other people’s ideas and how they encourage people to be more creative.

blind contour cat drawing
A blind contour drawing of my cat.

I was browsing classes on Creativebug the other day and found Living a Creative Life: 30 Ways in 30 Days by Courtney Cerruti.

(By the way, if you’re not a Creativebug member, you can grab a 14 day free trial, PLUS 30 percent off supplies at Joann, now through March 17, 2019.)

Courtney is an artist, author, shop owner and creative enabler who loves to sketch in public and get her friends involved in her crafty shenanigans.

She’s funny, encouraging and has a really cute dog.

About the Living a Creative Life Course

creative bug creativity course review

This video course is three hours long and broken up into 30 sessions, which you can watch daily for a month or binge over a couple of days like I did.

Each video presents an idea for a project that can help get your creative juices flowing. A few examples:

  • blind-contour drawings
  • go to the library (one of my favorites, always!)
  • create a map of your house
  • draw the same image in different ways
  • play with the colors in your palette
  • teach someone how to do something you know

Most of the videos are just a few minutes long. If they are longer it’s because Courtney is showing how she approaches the prompt, which sometimes takes a bit more time.

The course also comes with a PDF of links to resources, books mentioned in the workshop, even a custom creativity playlist.

How Workshops Boost Your Creativity

paint pouring diy
I started experimenting with paint pouring again after watching these videos.

You might think that watching someone else be creative isn’t going to do anything to boost your creativity. And you’re right; the idea is really to get you doing the things instead of just watching her do them.

But I found even just watching the workshop through pretty quickly I was inspired to want to try some of the projects or to reframe her prompts in different ways.

That’s probably the main creative benefit of watching crafty workshops for me: they give me something to piggyback off of to try in my own creative practice. I’m an idea person so my mind is constantly changing up or adding to creative ideas I see in the world; if your mind doesn’t work like that or you’re not inspired, creative prompts like those presented here are a great way to get a boost, no waiting for an idea required.

Do you ever use online classes to boost your creativity or learn new skills? I’d love to hear about it!

Can an online course make you more creative? Learn how to boost your creativity with a great class from Creativebug.

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