See What Goes on Behind the Scenes with Influencer Marketing for Dummies

Influencer Marketing for Dummies has great information for people on both sides of a sponsored conent relationship.

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As a blogger, I’m usually the influencer in the relationship with companies and organizations that seek out sponsored posts and other sponsored content. But in order to do the best job I can, it pays to think about what the business is going through, how they decide what sort of campaign they want to run, choose influencers and define and measure success.

Influencer Marketing for Dummies by Kristy Sammis, Cat Lincoln and Stefania Pomponi, with Jenny Ng, Edita Gassmann Rodriguez and Judy Zhou (the first three are founders and all are in the leadership team at Clever Girls) helps companies large and small determine how to develop a sponsored campaign, where to look for influencers (and what to look for in them), contracts, expectations, metrics and more.Influencer Marketing for Dummies has great information for people on both sides of a sponsored conent relationship.

As a person who is usually on the other side of the influencer relationship (producing rather than seeking content) it’s interesting to see what is going on behind the scenes on the other side of the campaign, to understand a bit more what companies who seek out sponsored content are looking for, what numbers make you a high-level influencer and what sorts of metrics they are looking at to judge if a campaign has been successful.

Influencer marketing is big business and usually produces a great return on investment for companies:

According to a 2015 study performed by influencer marketing agency Tomason, businesses are, on average, making $6.50 for each $1 spent on influencer marketing.

But when it comes to running a successful program, companies need to let influencers do what they do best:

Celebrities aside, most people who’ve grown to be influential online have done so because they connect to their audiences in genuine ways. They tell honest stories, share real-life photos, and make videos that resonate with everyday people.

Using influencers is not the same as producing a commercial or sending a press release. While a business still needs to know who their audience is and what they are trying to achieve, influencer programs allow you to reach different people with different messages instead of sending one message to the masses like you would with traditional advertising.

Influencer marketing is about getting the right people interested in your products as the first of many nonlinear steps toward purchase activity.

That means that while you can’t track someone from reading a blog post directly to purchasing a product, it’s still a useful way to gain brand recognition and encourage people to interact with your brand who might not have otherwise.

I love that the book details the going rate for different kinds of content and emphasizes having contracts with influencers. I hope companies read this book and follow the advice about how to approach and deal with bloggers and other influencers in a professional manner, because goodness knows we need it!

Ideas for Promoting Yourself

Sometimes I’m also a person seeking out promotional content (as when I have a new book out), so the book was also interesting to me from that perspective, thinking about what sorts of influencers might be effective in raising awareness of my products, and acknowledging that it might not always be bloggers — or at least not always posting on their blogs — even though that’s my default setting when I’m looking for publicity.

Though I’m not paying people to post information about me (the best they get is a free copy of my book), it’s still got me thinking about ways to find people who might be able to help me and what I could offer them in exchange for sharing about my books and/or websites.

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Win a Copy of Influencer Marketing for Dummies

Whether you’re a blogger who wants to know more about the behind-the-scenes process of running influencer marketing campaigns, a small business owner with something to sell who might want to have sponsored content created for you or a person who wants to promote a product like a book, Influencer Marketing for Dummies is sure to give you insight into the process and some ideas for how to do sponsored content better.

If you’d like to check out the book for yourself, I’m giving away a copy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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