One of the ways I like to learn things is to kind of get myself in over my head and see what happens. Last week’s Iron Craft challenge, which I totally missed, was to create something blue. I had this great blue batik fabric I knew I wanted to use. I wanted to make a […]
Notions: Outdoor Play and Nature Crafts
I read a lot of crafty blogs and have a lot of craft and kids activities come through my feeds every day, so I’d guess a lot of these Notions posts are going to involve rounding up crafty kids things, as much so I can save them for myself as to share them with you. […]
Easy to Sew Cloth Napkins
We have used cloth napkins for years, since before the girl was born. I like the fact that we aren’t throwing away as much paper, and it adds a little cuteness to the table when you have cloth napkins. At least it does when you have cute cloth napkins. Some of our napkins are also […]
Mixed-Paper Collage Bookmark
I’m a day behind on the Iron Craft Challenge this week (because it was book launch day yesterday), but the idea was to create something using words. The first thing I came up with was making a bookmark, because it seems like we always need more of those. I decided I wanted to do a […]
Sewing with Kids: Getting Started
The girl, who is almost 6, is super interested in all sorts of crafty things because that’s her life. She’s long wanted to learn how to knit, and before her interests turned toward astronomy, she used to say she wanted to “sew the material” when she grew up. It’s technically supposed to be my mom’s […]
How to Embellish a Canvas Tote Bag
I don’t pay a lot of attention to Klout, the website that gives people scores based on their influence (as of this writing I’m at 63, though I don’t really know what that means). But one cool thing about Klout is Perks, which are sometimes given to people for being awesome in the hope that […]
How to Make Plastic Egg Maracas
This craft came completely from the mind of the girl, inspired by something she saw at school. She was telling me all weekend that she wanted to make maracas out of plastic eggs with rice inside (beans would not do) and using plastic forks as the handles. It’s pretty brilliant. They come together in about […]