Decorate an Old CD

make art with an old CD

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This is one of those crafts that didn’t work out quite the way I envisioned, but I still really like it.

Odds are good most of us have some old CDs lying around, whether music or data or even an old DVD you never watch anymore.

Today I want you to use one — or more — of them in a project.make art with an old CD

How to Decorate an Old CD

Of course you can take this any direction you want. Color or paint on it, add stickers, break it and glue it back together, melt it…

Actually I wanted to melt mine, but I was hoping it was possible to do with a heat gun instead of in the oven.

It’s not. At least as far as I can tell.scribble on CD

So what I did do is scribble (you know I love scribbling!) with Sharpies and other permanent markers on both sides of the CD.decorate an old cd

Then I decided to add a little more sparkle by gluing rhinestones to the edge on one side (I may do the other side, too, not sure yet).cd flower stickers

Even though I’m not a glittery pink kind of girl, I also added a couple of glittery pink stickers because, well, we had them, and it feels like spring today (with a chance of snow in the forecast this week, go figure Arkansas weather) so why not?

I will probably hang this in my office window as a bit of a suncatcher, but I’m not sure.

Have you ever made art with CDs before? I’d love to know what you did. And if you try this challenge, tag me with #ourdailycraft so I can see what you did.

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