On Getting Out More

memorial garden

There’s something about spring that seems to wake people up. We’ve been hiding in our homes, cloistered in our lives, for a long time, but when the first warmth comes we’re all out and about, having friends over and catching up with the world. Though it’s not really spring yet (and I hear we might […]

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The Little Things

pinga heart

As I’m working back from feeling busy and overwhelmed and uninspired, I’ve been focusing on doing the work that I really want to do. And when that comes to crafting and creating, it has been little things this week. I had a lot of apple slices left from a playdate, so I decided to make […]

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The Creative Mojo is Gone

william morris print

I have been feeling really busy lately. And I hate to even say that, because busy is such a loaded word. Usually I say busy when I want to mean productive, but I really mean overwhelmed and just a little crazy. This whole year has been like that. And I find myself not crafting or […]

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