Make Art with a Leaf

Making art with leaves is fun and simple.

The girl likes to pick things up outside, like most kids do, and I sometimes have trouble just throwing them back outside even though she doesn’t ever notice if I do. Which explains why this giant magnolia leaf has been in our house for a few months now. I decided I wanted to do something […]

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Finger Painting

Break out the finger paints (or any paints!) and have fun painting with your fingers.

This morning I just needed to do something fun. Something playful. Something there’s no possible way could be wrong, or messed up or anything other than just what it is. So I pulled out my daughter’s now quite neglected finger paints and went to town. About Finger Painting If you have a little kid in […]

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Paper Weaving {Craft Challenge, Day 30}

Paper weaving is a fun, easy, meditative project you can do with any paper you have handy.

I’m a little obsessed with weaving right now, which is going to show over the next few days of challenges. I love weaving because it’s so simple. You can do it with any sorts of materials, as we are going to this week. The motions are simple, repetitive, meditative.  It’s something we probably all tried […]

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3 Books for Kids Who Love to Make

Children's books for kids who love to make

My daughter’s school just opened up a tinkering studio, which is completely awesome and I want to live there. It’s great because the school is really dedicated to STEAM education so there are circuits and a 3-D printer but also a sewing machine and yarn (my cast offs, of course). They have some books around […]

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