Knit a Folded Hem

Sometimes your knit edges need a little more stability, and that’s the perfect time to knit a folded hem. A hem can be added to a piece of knitting as you knit it or after the main knitting is done to add stability and help stop stockinette stitch from curling. Either way it’s pretty easy […]

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How to Work Mattress Stitch

Mattress stitch is a common way to finish seams on knitting projects. It gives the project a relatively seamless look on the front side and doesn’t leave a super bulky seam on the inside of your project. What is Mattress Stitch? Mattress stitch is a sewing technique whereby you join two pieces of knitting so […]

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How to Take Apart a Sweater

I was recently cleaning out my closet and found some things I didn’t want to keep but wanted to reuse the yarn, so I thought it would be a great time to show you how to take apart a sweater so you can use the yarn for something else. This is a handknit sweater shown […]

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How to Use a Lifeline in Knitting

Knowing how to use a lifeline in knitting can be a big help when you are learning new skills such as lace or cables, or when working a complicated project that might be difficult to rip back. I’ve been working on a project with a somewhat complicated brioche pattern and I decided I had to […]

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How to Pick Up Stitches for Knitting

Knowing how to pick up stitches in knitting is an important step in making sure your projects are finished well. Whether you’re picking up stitches along the side of a heel flap to finish a sock or around the neck of a sweater or edge of a shawl to add finishing, this is one place […]

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Add Duplicate Stitch to Knitting Projects

Duplicate stitch is one of those things that I don’t use that often but whenever I do I’m reminded of how much I like it. It’s an easy way to add little details to a knitting project after the knitting is done. You can also use it to stitch larger graphics so you don’t have […]

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