Creating a Life in 2013

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Some friends and I were discussing New Year’s resolutions on Facebook the other day, and after I mentioned my ridiculous list of goals I wrote at the beginning of 2012, a couple of people mentioned the concept of choosing one word that would color your choices and actions throughout the year.

I really like that idea, and it was almost instant after reading it that I realized my word for 2013 is create. All the little goals and resolutions I’d been thinking about could easily be looked at through the lens of creating:

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  • I want to create a home that is warm and welcoming to visitors and inhabitants alike and that better reflects my crafty sensibilities.
  • I want to create a healthier lifestyle and a body that supports my work and gives me the energy I need to be the best wife, mother and friend I can be.
  • I want to literally create more, to spend more time on projects that excite me and that aren’t for a particular purpose and to spend more time learning about crafts I have less experience in (in particular crochet and art journaling).
  • I want to create a workspace that supports my efforts and is inspiring and welcoming.
  • I want to create relationships and support networks with other bloggers, other crafters and other moms. And tocreate a better, stronger family, of course.

This is really a perfect word for me because it’s a version of the word I always hope people will use to describe me. My life hasn’t always appeared that creative in the past, though, so I’m excited to work on that this year.

Thanks to Jackie and Gina for the inspiration and to Stephanie for starting the conversation.

Do you have a word or mantra for 2013? I’d love to hear it!

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