If you’re having trouble seeing the point of doing doodles or how they’re really constructive, try this little art project. Pick a word. It could be a name, something you aspire to, or even just the first letter of your name, if you’re rather. Write the word or letter in block letters. I used printer […]
Making Time to Create {One Little Word}
I know the month is half over already, but I wanted to mention my June focus for One Little Word. It’s really a perfect one for me right now: A Time to Create. Because May was a little extra-super crazy, I was feeling that I needed to get back to more simple creating and that […]
Engaging with What Matters {One Little Word}
My One Little Word focus for May was “create engagement,” and as I’ve already written, when I made up that card I expected it to be about focusing on my websites. I was planning to engage in more focused social media efforts, trying to get more comments and likes and to start a real conversation […]
Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going {One Little Word}
I knew when I started doing One Little Word that it would probably be hard for me to maintain momentum and motivation through the year. I knew I’d get busy and it wouldn’t seem as important as it did at the beginning of the year. There would be trips, and a book coming out, and […]
A Valentine from a Knitter
In the spirit of embracing creative challenges, as I have been trying to do this year, I signed up to take part in a “mystery muse” program this month, which involves giving two handmade gifts to someone and receiving two gifts from someone else. I decided to make my first gift a knit heart, because […]
Creating Space {One Little Word}
I told you that I’m focusing on the word Create this year, and taking part in the One Little Word class or whatever you want to call it. One of the things that’s going on in there is an emphasis on a particular focus for the month that has to do with your overarching focus […]
New Year, New Art Supplies
My sister-in-law is amazingly great at picking presents for the Bit and me. Her job is working with preschools and early childhood education programs, so she knows all the best toys, great books and whatnot to get the Bit, but she also manages to do pretty well picking goodies for me, too. This year, it […]