Celebrate Summer with Petit Jean Jumbo Grillers

petit jean jumbo grillers

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Disclosure: I’m a member of Petit Jean’s Blue Diamond Club, which means they send me meat and other goodies and I write about it. I told everyone last week that I’ve finally hit the blogging big time because I got paid in meat. All opinions are my own, of course.

May is a pretty darn crazy time in my family. I was away for a weekend at the beginning of the month, then there’s Mother’s Day, my mom’s birthday today (happy birthday, mom!), our wedding anniversary (big 11) is Saturday and we’re going out of town for two nights — the longest the Bit has even been away from both of us at the same time. Then there’s Memorial Day to round out the month of crazy with another great opportunity for relaxing and firing up the grill.

I know it’s not summer yet, or even the fake beginning of summer that is Memorial Day, but grill season has been in full effect at my house for a while now. We just got a new grill, so we’ve been grilling tons of chicken, pork, fish, pizzas and, of course, hot dogs.

We’ve also been going through a major backyard renovation that’s almost finished — another thing to celebrate!

In about a month we’ve gone from thisplain backyard

to this. There’s a play place for the Bit under construction right now, and I’ll show you the whole thing when it’s all over; hopefully next week. new backyard

So over the weekend we had my parents and some other friends over for a Mother’s Day/birthday/yard work almost done grill party.

Because this is such a busy time — I ran to the grocery store on my way home from my Listen to Your Mother table read, which was awesome — I took all the help the store could give me and decided to let these Petit Jean Jumbo Grillers the good people at Petit Jean sent me be the star of the show. petit jean jumbo grillers

Jumbo Grillers are like regular hot dogs but bigger. Petit Jean’s are made with beef and pork with “just the right seasonings,” as the website says. They’re the kind of hot dogs you’d expect to eat at the ball park, and you probably would eat them at the ball park if you’re in Arkansas, because they’re the official hot dog of the Arkansas Travelers (what the Naturals’ problem is, I’m not sure) and they’re served at Razorback games as well.

I let my husband take care of the grilling while I opened packages of potato salad and pasta salad, spent a little time with my mom and played hide and seek with the Bit. See, I told you we’re busy!

Husband said the packages were a little hard to get into, but easy to cook over somewhat indirect heat (he was trying to keep the skin from getting too hard, and they were perfect). They looked and smelled yummy, and we got busy loading them up with our favorite toppings.

Everyone at the table declared them delicious, even the person who doesn’t really ever eat hot dogs, and the person who doesn’t very often eat pork and never eats beef (that second one is me; they really are tasty!). The Bit ate a whole one with nary a prod from a parent. I’d say that’s a cookout success for sure. I’ll bet we’ll pick them up again sometime when we need a quick meal for the grill that’s a little nicer than your ordinary dog.

Petit Jean Grillers are available at most major grocery stores in Arkansas (such as Walmart, Harps and Kroger) and you can buy them online direct from Petit Jean, four packs for $20. That’s how mine came, and I loved the overnight shipping and the fact that they were still plenty cold when they got to me.

You can also sign up for their newsletter to keep up with all the meaty news you can handle.

I hope wherever your busy month takes you, there are some grilled meats involved!

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Sarah – love the garden changes and the yummy looking sausages. As a new reader of your blog I though I’d just jump in and leave a quick comment here to say I’ve been reading a few posts and enjoying them a whole lot. Cheers! Shaun

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