Hold Onto Inspiration {Creativity Boosts}

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Do you ever see inspiring pictures or quotes but don’t have a system for keeping them? That’s what we’re working on today.

It can be as simple as a physical file folder if you tend to rip things out of magazines or print things out.

I have a Pinterest board called visuals that I keep this sort of thing in. You can even keep it private if you don’t want to share. Or do it in Evernote if you aren’t a Pinterest person.

To me it’s really important to have images to go to when you need inspiration. What you were looking at might not mainfest in a literal way in what you create after looking at it, but inspirationis always brewing.

pumpkins pin
Pumpkins pin, via Martha Stewart.

For instance, check out this gorgeous picture of all sorts of different colored pumpkins. It came from a Martha Stewart story about different varieties of pumpkins, and while I don’t think I’ll even grow that many gourds, the picture is just stunning and could certainly inspire art or a knitting color palette.

creativity boosts

On this board you’ll find paintings, pictures of knitting, fiber-related artwork and pretty crafty things like pictures of buttons, threads and paint. It’s a fun place to visit when I have a little extra time, and it’s super fun to find stuff to add to this board.

If you already have a place to collect inspiration, I’d love to hear about it, and see it if it’s a Pinterest board!

This post is part of my month of creativity boosts. Check out the rest of the series.

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  1. I notice that you run ads on this site. I can’t help but wonder how much traffic that Buzzfeed article crediting YOU with MY work drove to your site and how much you were able to profit monetarily from my labor…

  2. The image has been removed. I didn’t make any money from it and I did not take credit for your work. It was credited on my site with a link back to you.

  3. It clearly says Inspiration. Did you invent the skulls? I have seem them before in other mediums. Do you give credit to the original creator on your site?

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