Working Black Friday (or Thanksgiving)? Seattle’s Best Has a Treat for You

seattle's best black friday

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My first jobs out of college were as a page designer and editor for a couple of local newspapers. It’s not a job you often think about when you consider folks who have to work holidays, but they do.

And I can tell you from experience, working Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Day, they’re all horrible. Usually pretty boring, the newsroom is empty except for the desk and maybe one reporter and editor. And of course you know everyone else is having fun with family and friends — or sleeping. And you’re at work. Not the best days for morale.

But for as much as I hated working holidays as a newspaper person, I can’t imagine how much more awful it is to have a public-facing job on Black Friday (or Thanksgiving, even, now that so many stores think we need to start holiday shopping on an actual holiday. Let’s not even worry about being thankful for what we have, let’s make a bunch of people who’d rather be home with their families work so that we can buy more stuff!).

But I digress. seattle's best black friday

It’s estimated that 63 million Americans will work on the day after Thanksgiving (I’ll admit, I may sneak in a little blogging around family stuff) and Seattle’s Best Coffee wants to make the day a little brighter for some of them by offering a free 4-cup sample of coffee. (Admittedly, with delivery times, it probably won’t actually get to you by Black Friday, but it’s the thought that counts.)

All you have to do to get yours is go to the Seattle’s Best Facebook page and click on the link. There’s a little form to fill out to tell them where to send your sample. This offer runs through Nov. 29 or while supplies last.

I for one will be staying home on Black Friday and thinking about all the poor folk who have to work, for whatever reason. And while you’re shopping this holiday season, please bear in mind my friend Patti’s advice (hard won by slinging books for many a holiday season) on Ten Ways to Be a Good Holiday Shopper. Store workers and your fellow shoppers will thank you.

What do you do on Black Friday? Are you a shopper, a worker or a sleeper? I’d love to know what you’re planning this year.

So you know, I’m a member of the Seattle’s Best Breakfast Club, which means I sometimes get free stuff from them in exchange for blogging. I didn’t receive any compensation for this particular post, though I am getting a free sample of my own!

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